Scaling & Polishing

What Are Teeth Scaling & Polishing?

Ever wonder how to give your pearly whites the VIP treatment? Well, enter the dental superstar duo: teeth scaling KL and polishing! Think of scaling as a dental spa day for your chompers. It’s the process where the dentist removes the built-up plaque and tartar, those uninvited guests who love crashing your smile party. Now, let’s talk about polishing – the red carpet moment for your teeth. It’s like a dazzling finishing touch, making your teeth shine brighter than a Hollywood smile. The next time your dentist suggests a bit of teeth scaling KL and polishing, say yes to that VIP treatment for your grin!

dental treatment Malaysia
dental treatment Malaysia

Who Needs Teeth Scaling & Polishing?

So… if you’re probably wondering who needs a little extra TLC for their smiles? Well, we mentioned that teeth scaling & polishing services are like a spa day for your chompers. So, if you’re into coffee, tea, or maybe the occasional chocolate indulgence (who isn’t?), your teeth might be craving some attention. Plaque buildup, stains, and those sneaky tartar deposits are no match for the magic of a good teeth scaling service. It’s not just for the coffee club – anyone looking to keep their grin game strong should consider it. Trust us, your teeth will thank you with a sparkling “cheese” at the next selfie opportunity.

The Advantages of Teeth Scaling & Polishing Services

Other than a confident and radiant smile, teeth scaling & polishing services offer pretty cool benefits. Here’s why you should schedule your next teeth scaling service:

  • Banishes Stubborn Stains: Coffee and red wine stains, be gone.
  • Gum Disease Defense: Fends off gum issues like a superhero cape.
  • Fresh Breath Boost: Kiss goodbye to bad breath with a minty-fresh aftermath.
  • Cavity Control: Builds an impenetrable fortress against those sneaky cavities.

Give your teeth the royal treatment they deserve. So, go ahead and schedule your next appointment for scaling & polishing with us ASAP! Your smile will thank you.

Our Simple 5-Step Process


Gentle removal of plaque around gum margins


Smoothening tooth surface post scaling

Air abrasion

Removing debris and plaque excess on tooth structure

Stain Removal

Gently apply pumice paste and brush each tooth to remove stains


Thorough rinsing of all teeth post treatment

Why Choose Us

At Sinaran Dental Clinic, your smile is our top priority! But beyond that, here’s why you should consider us for your next scaling & polishing treatment:

dental treatment Malaysia


Our skilled team ensures a gentle touch, making your experience comfortable and stress-free.

veneers fitting service

Technological Ready

Our state-of-the-art technology guarantees precise and effective results, leaving your pearly whites sparkling.

dental treatment Malaysia

Installment plan

Choose us for your dental requirements. Our clinic provides flexible payment so that you can maintain your smile reasonably.

Why Choose Us

At Sinaran Dental Clinic, your smile is our top priority! But beyond that, here’s why you should consider us for your next scaling & polishing treatment:

dental treatment Malaysia


Our skilled team ensures a gentle touch, making your experience comfortable and stress-free.

veneers fitting service

Technological Ready

Our state-of-the-art technology guarantees precise and effective results, leaving your pearly whites sparkling.

dental treatment Malaysia

Installment plan

Choose us for your dental requirements. Our clinic provides flexible payment so that you can maintain your smile reasonably.

Sinaran Dental Clinic

Start Your Dental Journey With Us Today

dental and tooth filling services

Smile Makeover

A Smile Makeover is a unique dental process that helps you digitally design the smile you have always desired. However, not all Smile Makeovers are purely cosmetic! While Smile Makeovers can be sought purely for the purpose of an aesthetic enhancement, MANY patients choose to have a Smile Makeover to improve the function and overall health of their teeth.

During your visit, we’ll take x-rays, digital 3D scans, photographs and videos to get a baseline of your teeth and facial form.

This helps us create a new smile that looks natural, and complements your features, personality and skin tone. From there, the Smile Makeover team will digitally design your smile while taking into account the established relationship between your speech, teeth, lips and smile. This is done using CAD and CAM technology and modelling software.

Your Smile is our Passion. Book your Consultation now.


Fillings are a restorative dental treatment, used when a tooth has been damaged or has decayed. 

They are called cavity fillings because the procedure involves removing the decay or the damaged area of a tooth, which leaves behind a hole or cavity that needs to be filled to safeguard the rest of the tooth.


Dentures are a trusted and effective way to replace missing teeth.

They are removable plastic or metal frameworks that carry single or multiple false teeth.

If you choose to replace missing teeth with dentures, they will be custom made to fit the size and shape of your mouth, making them feel and look as natural as possible.

If you would like to understand more about dentures and whether they are suitable for your needs, book your no obligation consultation with Sinaran Dental today.

Dental Implant

A carefully crafted treatment plan is central to the success of dental implants. We are meticulous here at Sinaran Dental, leaving no stone unturned when planning your treatment.

Dental Implants are surgically placed into your jawbone so they help it to maintain its volume in areas where teeth have been lost.

At Sinaran Dental we believe that dental implants are the the undisputed top treatment for tooth replacement as they help us to provide a fixed solution to replacing missing teeth without putting any extra stress any other teeth.

Root Canal Surgery

This is the process whereby a tooth is saved from extraction, which is always our top priority, here at Sinaran Dental.

You might require root canal treatment if the tissues at the centre of a tooth have become infected due to a build-up of bacteria or because of an injury.

Remember, an infected tooth won’t always cause you to develop any symptoms you can spot yourself at home, making regular dentist visits a priority to help maintain your pearly whites.


Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain designed to fit over the front surface of a tooth to mask the imperfections that may make you conscious of your smile. Veneers can also be used to:

  • Improve the shape and positioning of teeth.
  • Reconstruct chipped teeth.
  • Close gaps in between teeth
  • Mask discolouration and stains

Scaling & Polishing

This is a routine but thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums that is carried out by a dentist.

It is largely a preventative measure but can also be used to reverse or manage gum disease when already present.

Sinaran Dental recommends that all patients have this procedure every six months, or more frequently if you are in a higher risk group, such as diabetics or smokers. The procedure is non-invasive, painless and requires no local anaesthetic.

Crowns & Bridges

Commonly used on weakened or broken teeth, a dental crown is artificial cap fitted on a damaged tooth to give it a natural appearance and protect the remaining tooth structure, to help preserve your million dollar smile.


Surface stains on your enamel is the most common cause of teeth discolouration. Over time, these stains can work their way to the layer below enamel, known as dentin. When this becomes stained, teeth look darker because of the translucency of enamel.

At Sinaran Dental, we guarantee long-lasting whitening results with low sensitivity. Have a celebrity white smile without spending a fortune.

Braces & Retainers

Looking for trusted braces to achieve straighter teeth? Book a consultation with Sinaran Dental today.

  • Fixed braces can treat a range of dental severities. This includes complex orthodontic problems such as extensive overcrowding, abnormal eruption of teeth and a very deep overbite.

  • Fixed braces offer guaranteed results.

  • Retainers are custom devices designed to hold your teeth in place. They are often prescribed after orthodontic treatment, such as braces, to keep your bite in place after it’s been reshaped or corrected.

  • Clear plastic retainers have become popular in recent years because they’re virtually invisible